Harrison Lane
I've worked as a professional supporting people with disabilities and advocating for them in the workplace in a variety of roles since 2020. As Meristem's Transformative Autism Program (TAP) Coordinator, I have worked with dozens of employers training best practices for hiring and retaining neurodiverse employees. I also help job seekers and work with community partners. I speak on employment issues for the neurodiverse and tell it how it is.
I have struggled with sensory integration issues and learning difficulties all my life. In the 6th grade, I was formally diagnosed with ASD. I struggled in high school making friends and completing assignments even while thriving in other areas, like theatre. After high school, I became an environmental activist and found my way to Meristem in 2016. I participated in cafe internships and formed friendships that continue to this day. I was part of the initial group of neurodiverse people that launched TAP.